Turning Tech Into Treasure: How to Use Ai to Elevate Your Business ...and Enjoy the Process

Turning Tech Into Treasure: How to Use Ai to Elevate Your Business ...and Enjoy the Process

How Ai Can Help You & Your Business This Instant, Right Now...

Turning Strangers Into Friends Into Customers

 Back in 1999, Author Seth Godin introduced the concept in his seminal book: Permission Marketing
This covered the irreversible and fundamental shift from 'Interruption Marketing ' to 'Permission Marketing' and captured the new challenge in a simple phrase: "Strangers into Friends into Customers"

Whether you've read the book or not, the change was noticeable, inescapable, and importantly: leverageable

Digital Marketers gained a significant advantage over traditional advertisers, and now another sea change is here and you can take advantage or be swept away

Ai is more than just technology it's an irresistible, transformative force
reshaping how businesses operate
  1. Engaging Customers: AI can personalize customer interactions, predict customer needs, and enhance overall customer service.
  2. Optimizing Operations: AI technologies streamline operations, improve supply chain management, and reduce overhead costs.
  3. Enhancing Decision-Making: AI-driven analytics provide deeper insights into market trends and consumer behavior, enabling more informed decision-making.
  4. Innovating Products and Services: AI can help in the development of new products and the refinement of existing services, opening up new markets and opportunities

Turning Tech Into Treasure: How to Use Ai to Elevate Your Business ...and Enjoy the Process

4 Step Strategy To Catch The Ai Wave

1. Start using Ai - Right Now!

Don't wait - just pick one!
Chat GPT, Gemini, Claude, Co-Pilot, Meta.Ai, Grok
You will find a text box - like a search query. Go ahead and search for something, anything.
Why not try: Permission Marketing!
That's it - your first 'Prompt'

The reply is not a list of sites and a bunch of adverts - it's an answer!
Here's your second Prompt: How much are Prompt Engineers getting paid?
Alright - now you're having a 'conversation
That's it... you're using Ai

2. Attracting Interest by Being Topical - Reaching out to Strangers

Back to your business, market, clients, and customers
What's topical, what's hot, and what's happening?
Simply converse with Ai to research your niche and find nuggets of info that would be of interest to your audience
As a business leader, you may want to look for ways of using Ai in your industry
In other words: Ai in your niche, could be the very topic that your prospects are interested in!
At first, you will probably be writing blog and social media posts
Aim for content that captures attention, interest, and traffic!

3. Engaging Content - Turning Strangers into Friends

Pretty quickly, you will discover you can ask the Ai to do the writing for you
It's just a case of, well.... asking!
Your 'Prompts' become more finessed and articulated, using: Behavioral Directives
Things like: 'Act as a top blogger and write a post covering..."
These behavioral directives help you and the Ai focus on the work
Then you will finesse the results to match your requirements, your 'voice', and your understanding of the niche
Now you have an assistant! 
You are developing your 'prompting skills' and that means you have something to say about using Ai - good, bad, and ugly!
Now you can take it up a gear and look at interactive content, images, quizzes, charts, graphs, tables, reports, etc. etc.

3. High Value Content - Turning Friends into Customers

The best place to start is by offering 'pre-crafted' prompts to your audience
A simple article with 3 or 4 prompts that can be pasted into an Ai  including an explanation of how they will help
Then you can look at resources you can create with Ai and start the process of value exchange - the first step is usually their email for a report
Then onto paid reports, research services, advice, pre-crafted prompts, Ai Agents, tools, consultancy, workshops, and more

And it all starts with that first query: Permission Marketing  

Click To  View Hand-CraftedAi Power Prompts

What is a "Prompt"?

It's a pre-designed set of instructions that runs on an Ai platform

It's Your secret weapon!
A digital wordsmith that turns phrases into profit, crafting compelling content that captivates and converts, around the clock.

Why Do I Need One?

To Unlock The Power Of Ai for Your Own Business

Because every word counts: Amplify your message, engage your audience more deeply, and drive recruitment, sales, orders, and revenue like never before. It's not just writing; it's building connections at scale.

How Will Ai Transform My Business?

By Driving Growth And Optimizing Your Marketing Efforts 

Watch as engagement skyrockets, bounce rates plummet, and your business flourishes.
These Powerful Prompts help you create compelling copy, optimizing every word for impact, and propelling your site to the forefront of your niche.

Why Are These Prompts So Good?

They Have Been Hand Crafted To Boost The Accuracy And Performance Of Ai By Using A Unique Step-by-step, Interactive Framework

Watch as engagement skyrockets, bounce rates plummet, and your business flourishes.
These Powerful Prompts help you create compelling copy, optimizing every word for impact, and propelling your site to the forefront of your niche.

Click To  View Hand-CraftedAi Power Prompts