MemberGate Learning Management System

MemberGate LMS


This program will take you through everything that you need to know and learn about the MemberGate Learning Management System.

It begins with an understanding of what a Learning System is and what the MemberGate terms and keywords mean with regards to our LMS. It will then take you through the steps to take in order to set up a Learning Management System on your MemberGate site.

LMS Overview
13 Lessons

The MemberGate Learning Management System will help you to provide educational or training courses to your members. 

This course will provide you with a full understanding of what a Learning Management System is used for as well as the details of MemberGate's LMS system parts and structure.

How To's - MemberGate LMS
11 Lessons

How To's - MemberGate LMS

Learn how the various parts of the LMS work together to create your Learning Management Courses. Each tutorial will provide graphical tutorials and will provide step by step instructions.