One Time, Deeply Discounted Offer: Membership Site Bootcamp DVDs

List Price $1,495.00
Our Price $295.00
You Save $1,200.00 80%


IMPORTANT: Your setup request has been received. Your will be notified very shortly when your site has been set up for you. If you have any questions regarding that, you can reach us via our ticket system at:

BEFORE YOU GO however!


A very special, 'One Time Offer' for our wildly popular "Membership Site Bootcamp DVD/CD's Bundle"

We have sold over 1,100 of these at $1,495
This is a one time opportunity to have it them for a mere $295.00

This is your only chance to ever get it this low.

Look at what you get

Ready to Order

MemberGate - An all-in-one web publishing solution for building and managing membership and subscription web sites.


MemberGate - An all-in-one web publishing solution for building and managing membership and subscription web sites.   MemberGate - An all-in-one web publishing solution for building and managing membership and subscription web sites.

Rock Solid Content From Some of our
Most Successful Membership Site Owners

We had a two day event in West Palm Beach Florida where I called in some serious favors. I contacted some of our most successful clients to come down and present as part of a 2 day "Membership Site Bootcamp" seminar.

The $2,495 seminar was sold out and the content was absolutely phenomenal. Pure rock solid, useable tips and tactics were shared... and we recorded it all.

We combined the DVDs into a homestudy course that you have to see to believe.

How We Designed
The Membership Site Bootcamp

We have gathered more than 3,572 questions and comments from our readers about membership sites - that means we know what you are wondering about how to build a membership money machine.

We know the misconceptions and stumbling blocks that are probably holding you back.

I mean, there's a chance that your question or concern is completely unique... but the odds are that among those 3,572 responses we've gathered, your question has already been asked.

Which means we are already prepared to answer it.

In fact, we've learned EXACTLY what we need to do to create the ULTIMATE  PROGRAM so we can help you create your very own membership money machines.

We have custom designed this program so that we leave no-stone-unturned.

Simply put, the Internet marketing world has never seen anything like our HYBRID Coaching Model.

This Coaching Club is a TRANSFORMER - it's half home-study course (so you can study at your own pace) and access to our recorded coaching calls. In addition we are giving you a private discussion forum specifically for coaching members.

We wanted to prove how easy it really is to create a membership site, so we literally built one from scratch and show you exactly how we did it!

That's right, we used Camtasia to record the how we setup a paid membership site, step-by-step... we started by researching a topic to see if is viable as a membership site, then we show you how to find the content, build a site (with zero technical experience) and then take you right through to the launch.

If you've the least bit nervous about starting your own membership site, these tutorials eliminate all the guesswork!

In fact, I start by showing you all the tricks on how to choose a profitable topic and take you all the way through every step (creating quick content, building online departments, driving new members, finding contributors, setting up a popular private forum and so much more!)

I won't even attempt to put a price on these tutorials. Let me just say this... I have helped set up over 940 membership sites. There is no one on the planet more qualified than me to build a membership site from scratch. No one!

And in these videos you'll actually see exactly how I do it! It really is priceless and can easily add thousands of dollars of recurring income to your bottom line month after month after month. 


But Wait & We Have Recorded Coaching Calls You Instantly Get Access To!

If you stopped right here and just watched our membership site tutorials, you'd be able to crank out a killer site with a lifetime of recurring income.

However, we wanted to make sure you are going to put all of this newly found information into action. So there is a series of 8 teleseminar calls that we recorded. These calls are instantly available for you to start listening to.

(We ship the physical product VERY quickly but why wait? You can get started immediately listening in the meantime).

Coaching Call #1: Jumpstart Your Membership Site...
After this session, you will know if your topic is dead-on or dead in the water! This is a crucial step in the membership site process  and the one that's most overlooked. Bottom line: you'll learn how to nail your niche!

Coaching Call #2: Effortless marketing...
Get all the ins and outs of crafting your offer so people will jump on your membership without a moment of hesitation. Strategies for driving traffic as well as converting that traffic into members was discussed. Some fantastic resources were also disclosed by Tim and Ryan.

Coaching Call #3: Easy Content Creation... 
Ryan currently runs over 50 different membership sites  yet still only works a few hours a day and spends an unlimited amount of time with his family. You'll discover his top-secret content creation tricks so you'll be able to crank our unlimited killer content (and have experts lining up to give you FREE content too!) 

Coaching Call #4: Complete Q & A... 
This call was completely about answering questions about membership sites. We answered many questions about membership sites straight from our first round of bootcamp customers.

Coaching Call #5: Easy Audio/Video Creation... 
Members now expect some type of multi-media on their paid sites, so we'll teach you the fastest way to do it. Plus, you'll witness a brand new state of the art technology that actually embeds your affiliate links into your videos! And speaking of affiliate programs&

Coaching Call #6: How to Recruit Heavyweight Affiliates 
An affiliate program for your membership site is unlike others. It's not a high ticket item so you have to approach the big-shot affiliates differently. Learn our best methods for having them be your #1 supporter and drive your membership numbers into the atmosphere.

Coaching Call #7: Use Web 2.0 to Publicize Your Membership Site
Get the most out of Web 2.0 as we unlock the secrets to blogging, podcasting, RSS feeds, online videos, social networking, bookmarking and so much more. You will literally dominate your competition and leave them in the dust!

Coaching Call #8: Q&A Call Answering Your Most Burning Questions
And as if the CD-Roms and the 7 coaching calls aren't enough, by popular demand we had a second complete Q & A call session.


Experience the $2,495.00 Per-Person 
SOLD-OUT Workshop... 

Remember that two-day workshop that I told you about? It was a no holds-barred, no-pitching-allowed, all-content intense workshop where we gave up all the secrets to running successful membership sites.  

The room was filled with membership site owners  people who are making $10,000, $20,000, $50,000 and in some cases, over $150,000.00 per month using membership sites as their business model. And there were also some complete NEWBIES.

The audience was SHOCKED with the secret tips, tricks and techniques we shared.

Now here's the good news for people who jump onboard our Coaching Program...

We captured VIDEO of the entire event. And when you enroll in our Coaching Program, you get the DVDs of the whole thing.




PLUS... You Get All The Notes, Powerpoints, and Resources

We also pulled together all the notes from the actual event itself including an indexed manual covering the content from the DVDs. There's no need for writers cramp  just curl up with the manual that features the content and resources mentioned in the DVDs.

We also put in all of the PowerPoint presentations and slides that the speakers used during their presentations at the event. It's all laid our for you, in order, so you can follow along with the DVDs or audio CD. You can even take notes right in your manual! 

Finally, we built up a resource area on our website for that has all kinds of extra materials including interviews, calls, checklists and a whole lot more.   

Just so that I'm sure I don't leave anything out& 

You've Got Questions... We've Got Answers

When you make the smart choice to pick up your copy to get your spot in the Membership Site Bootcamp Program, heres just a sample of what you're going to discover...

  • How to bring in thousands of new members like clockwork (last month, one of our Membership Sites had 1,802 new paying members alone, think of that, 1,802 members in a single month, well show you how we did it).

  • You get a detailed analysis of two recent successful Membership Site launches by our speakers, one is already on track to do six figures this year and the other has a goal of doing six figures per month with his Membership Site.  These are not pie-in-the-sky numbers, these are hard-nosed business people who have a plan for exactly what they're doing and you're going to see these examples of what it takes to go to the next level of profits.

  • Learn the exact tactics we use to make our members stick like glue to our sites. (It might interest you to know that one of our sites has over 300 new posts per day in the members only forum).

  • The one and only time you should offer "tiered" membership (many marketers goof this up and it cost them thousands of dollars a month in profits, now you will not make this mistake).

  • The secrets of dominating your niche market.  Discover how to go vertical and horizontal re-using content across multiple sites for maximum profit with minimum dropouts.

  • The easy way to get all the content you'll ever need  how to get others begging you to help you fill your site with content for free.  And no, this is not using PLR or reprinted articles that are available all over the Internet.  Were talking about exclusive content for your site only.

  • The proven time tables for how often to update your site (and well show you exactly how many hours a week itll take you to manage the site  its a lot less than you think).

  • Proven pricing strategies that will allow you to squeeze the most profits out of your site month in and month out.  Dont learn it the hard way with trial and error; use our research to benefit your bank account.

  • The top-secret Google search engine tactics every Membership Site owner should know.  When you know these secrets youll never long for that number one Google position again, because youll have positions one through ten.

  • The one part of your site that gives you the power to maximize profits and it has nothing to do with Google or AdWords.

  • Choosing the right topic for your Membership Site (the wrong topic will mean a slow tortuous death for your business, choosing the right one will put you on easy street, well show you how).

  • Magic tricks to help you develop partnerships and relationships with other marketers, especially offline partners such as magazines and organizations. (Hint: becoming the official Membership Site of very popular magazines can make you wealthy).

  • Techniques for adding the power of audio and video to your members area (well show you the exact software and tools we use to do this and how you can use them too).

  • The number one best way to build buzz around your site launch (these strategies have been tested and proven and can make your site profitable from day one).

  • Using the magic power of apps-on tap to skyrocket your membership, keep your members active, paying and put loads of cash into your pockets.

  • The top must-have products every Membership Site owner needs. (These are the tools we use everyday to super charge our own sites and now youll have them too).

  • The easy way to double your income on the back-end (its not, the way most marketers think about it).  Discover how much we make on the back-end and exactly how we do it.

  • Sorting through your software choices.  Dont be seduced by those who tell you, you should use free or open source content management systems.  Well make it easy for you to make a choice, giving you all the specifics on each Membership Site tool, how we use them and how you can use them as well.



Heres Exactly Whats On
The Home-Study DVDs

DVD #1

  • Why Membership Sites are a better business bet than owning a franchise.  (00:27:26)

  • How to own the media; the killer distinction most Membership Site owners miss.  (00:29:30)

  • Developing ongoing monthly income that increases over time.  (00:30:05)

  • How to use your Membership Site empire to cash out and retire early.  (00:31:07)  

  • Selecting the right topic for your Membership Site (including our proven, tested formula for making sure you select only best profit-pulling topics).  (00:34:39)

  • Passions Into Profits. Is it true that focusing on your passions will bring you more riches?  We answer the question definitively.  (00:37:31)

  • Scare Tactic selling methods: do they work, and should you sell based on want or need?  (00:41:32)

  • The Aspirational Appeal Factor: how to get people to sign up for your Membership Site almost magnetically.  (00:42:46)

  • The top-secret soap opera stick strategy, and how it can be worth a small fortune to you.  (00:45:29)

  • How Membership Sites allow you to quickly and easily build massive lists that are insanely profitable.  (00:48:42)

  • Why you dont need huge numbers of members in order to make huge money.  (00:49:31)

  • How to use your competitors to build your own business.  (00:57:29)

  • How to know your topic is truly a winner -- and not a cash-sucking dud.  (01:03:00)

  • The secret resource that youre going to love for getting loads of free content  without having to do any work.  (01:06:58)

  • Choosing the right membership software to run your site -- and how to avoid the Membership Site disasters (well even share some of our own personal goof-ups and how we dealt with them).  (01:13:05)

  • How to evaluate and avoid costumer service nightmares; watch this carefully, because if you handle it the wrong way you can lose hours of your life each week to customer service.  (01:15:00)

  • Rating the Membership Site software packages: the good, bad and the ugly. We tell you what you need to know, what to avoid and what to look for (includes free solutions, Vision Gate, Amember and more)?  (01:25:28)

Get all the DVDs now...


DVD #2

  • Why you must have good content, why you need lots of it -- and the easy way to get it. (00:00:01)

  • Ten proven methods for getting all the content for your member site you will ever need. (00:09:00).  

  • The top sites for easy content research and idea generation (and, how to prevent paranoia about copyright issues).  (00:20:22)

  • How to get experts to contribute to your Membership Site for free.  (00:23:09)

  • Five steps to getting a killer board of experts to create your content for you, (and to add instant authority to your website).  (00:34:02)

  • How to protect yourself legally when interviewing experts, using articles, hiring ghostwriters, and other legal matters.  (00:39:35)

  • How to get even big names to lend their name to your website.  (00:49:54)

  • What to do when someone knocks you off and steals your site. (00:50:01)

  • Roger Parker's secrets for endless content for your website including the six steps to success of generating content.  (This is a system like you've never seen before that allows you to create content almost on automatic pilot). (00:55:07)

  • The Content Catalyst and how it can help you generate an endless number of unique, appealing and magnetic ideas for content on your site.  (00:01:48)

  • Why you're not in the creative writing business.  (00:05:17)

  • How to design your site ahead of time for maximum effectiveness and profitability.  (00:12:07)

  • Proven models for structuring content for the best user experience (and why user experience is a deadly serious issue for your business).  (00:13:43)

  • How to have a content plan that removes stress from your life, balances your content and keeps subscribers subscribed.  (00:18:23)

  • How to use mind-mapping software to organize your thoughts in the most intuitive way ever devised (beats the heck out of outlining, trust us).  How to get the software for free and how it can revolutionize your content-creation process.  (00:22:53)

  • How to create instant content outlines at a touch of a button.  (00:24:33)

  • The very best method for keeping track of content categories.  (00:24:58)

  • The secret of creating content using simple fill in the blanks methodologies.  (00:28:00)

  • The endlessly powerful promise of repurposing.  (00:32:42)

  • One magic trick that keeps people subscribed month after month.  (00:36:49)

Claim your set and get the "Fast Action Bonus"...


DVD #3


  • Sales copy.  The end of the question, Is long copy better than short copy? Why sales copy is crucial to your success, and how Membership Sites demand a different kind of sales copy than youre accustomed to.

  • The secrets of getting high rankings in Google.  (00:02:36)

  • What eye tracking studies show about how to lay out your website.  (00:06:26)

  • What you dont know about sales letters that work.  (00:12:43)

  • How to get just the right amount of content on your home page for maximum conversions to membership.  (00:18:17)

  • The secret to creating a free tour that sells signups to your Membership Site.  (00:20:18)

  • The one thing to include in your site tour to maximize conversions.  (00:21:20)

  • The sneaky way to use sales copy that doesnt look like a sales letter.  (00:29:15)

  • How to totally blow-away buyers remorse and bring your refund rate down to near zero.  (00:31:53)

  • The single secret that keeps streams of members coming to your site and keeps people coming back month after month.  (00:33:37)

  • How giving away your content gets you more sales. Really.  (00:39:48)

  • To use physical products or not:  The ultimate answers (and they may surprise you).  (00:44:22)

  • The free trial question:  Should you use one (or will it simply cost you money)?  (00:49:00)

  • The perfect combination of teaser copy, long sales copy, content --  and how to get the balance right on your site.  (54:54)

  • Pricing Strategies and Merchant Account Tips!!

  • Why offering a wealth of tips drives up the perceived value of your site.  (00:04:05)

  • Pricing models:  Free trial, low-price trial, up-front fee plus monthly, or straight monthly.  We give you the answers.  (00:08:23)

  • What to do if you test different prices to keep people from being angry with you.  (00:15:35)

  • Does adding a $99 up-front fee change your revenue up or down?  You may be surprised at the answer.  (00:20:17)

  • The two most powerful things you can do to get people to join your site.  (24:28)

  • Secrets of selling a whole pile of memberships all at once  this was one of the most popular topics at the Bootcamp, and you are going to be amazed at whats possible.  (00:30:13)

  • How to raise your price -- and still increase your revenue. (00:36:28)

  • What to do with problem members.  (00:39:53)

  • How to profit from Adsense on your Membership Site.  (00:43:27).

  • The one quality your merchant account provider must have if you want to operate a profitable business (and still be able to sleep at night).  (00:44:17)

  • The secret way to protect yourself so that you never lose your merchant account (00:46:12).

  • Heres what really makes your merchant provider nervous -- and how to put him at ease.  (00:47:45)

Start building your Membership Empire today.


DVD #4

  • Building your list!
  • Learn what your one highest leverage activity really is.  (00:03:58)
  • Why youre in a different business than the one you think youre in.  (00:04:28)

  • How to get instant cash infusion into your bank account using this one simple technique.  (00:04:40)

  • Should you offer sale prices? Or stick to one price at all times?  (00:06:10)

  • The keys of making a successful sale and gaining a satisfied customer.  (00:07:58)

  • The one service or software to use to build your list.  Mess this one up and you could be out of business overnight.  (00:12:47)

  • How to solve any problem you might have with your list-building software (00:14:30).

  • How to know the real-world dollar value of your list  no matter how small it is, it does have a monetary value. Calculate it to the penny.  (00:15:35)

  • Know with precision how much you can afford to spend on lead generation& and how much money youre going to make when you send an e-mail.  (00:18:04)

  • Five ways to crank your number:  Instant methods for increasing the money you make from your member list.  (00:22:08)

  • How to set up your perpetual list-building machine.  (00:29:49)

  • The information most marketers do not obtain  and that you absolutely must.  (00:33:52)

  • The ultimate income insurance.  (00:36:13)

  • The one book you must read, and the incredible story behind that book.  (00:36:43)

  • Dead specifics on how to get maximum sign-ups to your list.  (00:43:49)

  • What should your list or newsletter look like?  (00:47:01)

  • The power of primal branding and how to use it with Membership Site.  (00:54:29)

  • The secret addition that makes your newsletter profitable in itself, even if its free.  (00:57:01)

  • Larrys secret method for building a killer newsletter for members.  (01:04:44)

    Biggest Membership Site Mistakes to Avoid

  • Youll have hundreds of these all over your site& build them correctly, or you may regret it for a long time.  (00:00:28)

  • What elements must be kept above the fold for maximum sales.  (00:01:58)

  • Not knowing which articles are the most popular.  (00:02:11)

  • Failing to focus on this one key activity (if you arent doing this, youre choking the life out of your site day by day).  (00:02:15)

  • Losing focus on this can dry up your membership base and make it as lifeless as the surface of the moon.  (00:02:25)

  • How (and why) to avoid the _____ of the Month phenomena (that robs you of your profits).  (00:04:51)

  • How lack of a focused them for your site holds you back from the levels of success that are possible for you.  (00:07:37)

  • Site design mistakes you must avoid if you want to build a $100,000 per month Membership Site  (00:08:20).

  • The one thing you must not fixate on. (00:09:12)

  • Productivity issues and how to deal with multiple commitments, deadlines, and areas of importance.  (00:09:39)

  • Failing to do this in your business can lead to ulcers, high blood pressure, heart disease, and massive stress. (And thats a shame, because this is so easy to take care of!)  (00:09:48)

  • Legal issues: what you must know, and how to avoid some big-time problems.  (00:10:31)

  • Secrets of minimizing lost income opportunities (and there are plenty of missed opportunities in even the most successful businesses).  (00:11:39)

  • The right way  and wrong way  of using re-sale rights products.  (00:13:03)

  • How almost all JV seekers go wrong, and the bone-headed mistakes you must avoid.  (00:13:44)

Avoid the mistakes with your Membership Site.


DVD #5  

Marketing Mistakes And How to Avoid Them

  • The single biggest mistake you can make with your marketing when it comes to your Membership Site.  (00:01:21)

  • The absolute musts of marketing that apply to all Membership Sites.  (00:01:51)

  • The number one marketing tool of all time and how to use it.  (00:11:27)

  • Killer newsletter design tweaks that increase readability, response rates, and repeat reading.  (00:14:09)

  • The magic trick that got Microsofts attention  and how you can duplicate it.  (00:23:19)

  • More ideas for compelling content that nobody else teaches (and that you can start using immediately).  (00:33:23)

  • The ultimate email marketing combo: How to send html email that looks like text and vice versa.  (00:41:03)

  • Laser-targeted methods for getting your emails opened, read, and responded to.  (00:42:27)

  • The ultimate solution to email deliverability issues (how to stop worrying and start loving email marketing again).  (00:43:05)

  • Developing your army of sales people who work tirelessly on your behalf, with no salary, no health insurance, and very little hands-on work required..  (00:57:33)

  • How to land whale affiliates  the 10% of affiliates who will do 90% of your sales volume.  (01:03:00)

  • How to grease the skids for free publicity -- and the one step that most people miss.  (01:09:00)

  • The secret of using Camtasia in a way that will skyrocket your list sing-ups& and you have never seen this anywhere else before.  (01:12:00)

  • How to use seminars to build your Membership Site in a surprising way.  (01:21:41)

  • Teleseminar secrets from Tellman Knudson, the master of teleseminars (how many people do you know who routinely have $100,000 calls?).  (01:26:00).

  • The 17 sources of traffic for your site, and how many of them you really need to focus on.  (01:45:17)

  • Getting traffic from mainstream media: how to do it quickly and easily.  (02:03:00)

Claim your copy of the entire System.


DVD #6   

Converting Visitors Into Members & Power of Influence

  • How to use e-Courses to increase conversion.  (00:03:28)

  • Making email confirmation work for you instead of against you.  (00:06:13)

  • Build trust (and income) with these proven secret methods.  (00:10:54)

  • The one way to make the same old testimonials instantly become 100% more believable. (00:12:06).

  • How to get testimonials automatically, day and night, without fail.  (00:12:51)

  • Unusual ways to get testimonials  surprising, little-used tactics that work like magic.  (00:14:28)

  • How to get testimonials even before you launch your site (without doing anything sneaky or unethical).  (00:14:50)

  • A secret you can swipe from Amway to make more sales like crazy, raising your conversions to over 50%.  (00:26:28)

  • The sitcom secret that gets your people doing what you want them to do  this works even if they know what youre doing!  (00:28:28)

  • How sites like My Space use the power of bonding -- and how you can use it too.  (00:30:02)

  • The power of Reassurance and how to employ it in your market 82% of your prospects are worried about this.  Can you relieve their anxiety? (00:33:13)

  • The one book you must read about psychological persuasion, and how to put its power to work for you.  (00:36:56)

  • How to take pressure off your Membership Site for revenue, while building up streams of revenue.  (00:37:59)

  • The secret tactic that makes you more money than your subscription fees  and most Membership Site owners ignore this. (00:38:10).

  • The five back-end income streams.  (00:40:58)

  • The three alternative income streams.  (00:43:27)

  • Mistakes to avoid  - these can destroy your credibility.  (00:44:25)

  • The vertical marketing approach.  Harvesting the hidden gold in your site.  (00:45:55)

  • Marketing horizontally for maximum revenue.  (00:50:23)

  • How to develop your own exclusive offer that nobody can challenge, duplicate, or overcome you.  (00:51:03)

  • The hidden power of Click Bank to build your membership empire.  (00:51:42)

  • Developing easy audio products to sell on your backend.  (00:55:38)

  • The one audio recording secret function that allows for rapid audio product creation.  (01:02:00)

  • Insider secrets of cheap (but impressive) video production.  (01:11:00)

  • How to easily create high-priced kits and add them to your mix.  (01:19:00)

  • The secrets of using apps on tap specialized software that is cheap and easy to create, but power up to perceive value.  (01:21:00)

  • High-priced coaching calls you can charge outrageous amounts for -- and how to set them up so your members will THANK you for letting them pay.  (01:25:00)

  • Doing your own workshops, seminars, and boot camps -- charging anywhere from $99 to $10,000.  (01:25:00)

Kick-start your recurring income stream this month!


DVD #7  

  Top Productivity Software and Tools

  • How to shave massive slabs of hours of your workweek.  (01:03:00)

  • The screen-capture tool of choice, and why its the right choice as Tool #1 for Membership Sites.  (01:03:00)

  • How to make your audios pop like a pro with this special microphone.  (00:02:38)

  • The killer app for grabbing pics from the screen (with special effects like drop shadows, torn edges, highlighting, annotation and more) that increase the perceived value of your articles and member materials.  (00:04:32)

  • Finally, speech-recognition software that works type at the same speed you talk.  (00:17:10)

  • The one service we recommend for doing surveys and why you should use them too.  (00:17:32)

  • The software that allows you to read your subscribers minds.  Its like having x-ray vision.  (00:18:00)

  • Save dozens of keystrokes with this idea catcher that builds a backlog of ideas plus saves you from software disasters.  (00:21:21)

  • The simple program thats like having your very own research staff available at the touch of a button.  (00:26:43)

  • The top solution for complete turnkey Membership Site management.  (00:32:57)

  • The very best collaborative software for working with your team -- and its absolutely free.  (00:33:34)

  • Free phone service, and how to do studio-quality recordings using VOIP. (00:36:49)

  • The must-read list of books you need to own if you run a successful Membership Site.  (00:37:11)

Get the links to all these top-secret tools... and more that aren't listed here.

Building Your Community

  • Community, and why its the key to keeping members in your Membership Site.  (01:00:17)

  • How to calculate renewals and drop-offs -- and how to know if youre healthy or in trouble.  (00:08:54)

  • Using forums and sub-forums to promote membership stick.  (00:13:06)

  • Using surveys to enhance stick factor.  (00:31:04)

  • Using contests to build community.  (00:35:07)

Have your copy shipped today!


DVD #8  

How to dominate your niche

  • The importance of mindset and the appropriate mindset to have if you want to have a successful Membership Site.  (00:00:28)

  • Going from a free model to a paid model and why it can work for you.  (00:03:35)

  • Why being small is to your great advantage.  (00:09:05)

  • Specifics on each of Ryans sites. This amazing section is where Ryan walks you through the details of each of his sites, how he built them, and the lessons he learned along the way. The ultimate over the shoulder instruction session, it lasts for the remainder of this DVD... and is an education in itself.

Get the inside scoop on Ryan's sites!


Camtasia Screen Capture CD One

  • Intro to your site and setting up navigation that works for members.  (00:05:11)

  • Researching your topic -- including the Five Keys that make a good topic.  The key disposition your market must have& and the quality that gives you built-in staying power.  (00:09:38)

  • Forum research -- including a specific market example, why we chose it, how it meets the five key requirements -- and a quick way to check its viability.  (00:11:01)

  • Domain name considerations& including the Five Keys to picking the right domain name (and the one kind of domain name you must not choose).  (00:17:04)

  • Finding available domain names& including a site that finds all the variations of your chosen domain name (and how to find domain names that may have recently expired).  (00:25:52)

  • Registering domain names: A sneaky trick to get domains at half-price.  (00:29:03)

  • Hosting overview.  How to avoid the mistakes that can cost your business -- and how cheap hosts rip you off.  (00:31:15)

  • Hosting DNS and email:  How to get your site live on the Internet and protect it from domain bandits.  (00:37:03)

  • Site design: Why you absolutely must not mess this up and how to come up with great idea for a design.

  • Site design process:  The right way to give your designers feedback and create a professional look that sells.  (00:39:15)

  • First steps to inspiration including the three-step crash course on getting started fast.  (00:41:09)

  • Minimizing distractions, cleaning up your online store to get ready for opening day, and making that all crucial first impression.  (00:44:19)







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