Priority Coding - Step 1 Consultation

Priority Coding offers an opportunity to MemberGate Owners to get a feature or resource developed more quickly

The aim is to Fast Track a development - it is NOT a custom coding service

Whilst we have our own development plan and invite suggestions and requests on the Feature Request Forum, we recognise that some site owners would like to accelerate the development of a feature and get it prioritised on the schedule

After discussions with several MemberGate Owners, we have created this Priority Coding Service:

Step 1 - Consultation
- half hour or so on the phone to get a clear understanding and then whatever research we need to do to see if and how it can be done

A non-refundable payment to talk with the MemberGate Lead Developer and provide the outline and scope of the development

We will then review the requirements and challenges of coding the feature and report on whether it is possible to Fast Track

Please do not order if you cannot appreciate the investment of time, instead,  simply place your request in the forum and we will track other Owners support of the request, to incorporate it into our schedule

All Fast Track developments will be added to the MemberGate codebase 

Step 2 - Deposit and Commitment
 - a clear understanding of the client paying to completion and of us coding as efficiently as possible

The discounted rate for Fast Track coding is $95 per hour

After reviewing the development, we will give our best estimate on the hours required and provide an estimate

At this stage, to progress the Fast Track, you will be linked to a cart item for 10% deposit

Once paid the work will be Prioritised

The deposit commits us to complete the work and you to complete the payment

Step 3 - Development and Payment

We will issue a weekly report which details progress and an includes an invoice

Our Price $150.00