Content Publisher |
MemberGate fully automates the creation and publishing of web pages - select either 'add' or 'edit' content, type in your text and click 'create'. Using the master rules you specified in site setup, MemberGate creates and formats the page for you, and provides you a preview of the results. To publish, simply click the 'activate' button. If you want to include graphics in your pages, MemberGate automatically uploads and places images where you want them. Page creation authority is based on roles, allowing you to control the approval process for new pages. Pages can also be set to 'hold until' a specific release date, and 'purged' upon a future date. Pages can be created in a public or member area, within any department on the site. Pages can also be created in offline text editors (i.e. MS Word) or html editors and pasted directly into MemberGate.
Subscription Site Manager |
Everything you'd want in a fully automatic subscription site manager. You set the rules, start it up, and it literally runs on 'auto pilot' - keeping you informed of daily statistics and alerting you of any problems. Full reporting makes it easy for you to instantly check any area of the sites performance. Automatic Member Sign up, automatic sending of welcome messages, renewal notices, etc. Everything you need to run a successful member site.
Automatic Member Sign up |
The easier you make it for members to sign up, the better. That's why MemberGate fully automates the new member sign up processing, allowing visitors to become new members almost immediately. Members fill out the member application form, choose their own member name and password, enter their credit card information, and within seconds gain approval and immediate access to the site. Have up to 4 different membership plans, options, terms, etc. Easily customize the member application form to meet your needs.
Real Time Credit Card Processing |
MemberGate makes it easy for members to join or renew. Real Time Credit Card Processing means that within seconds a members credit card is processed, approved, and funds deposited into your account. If problems with the card number are found, the customer is alerted with a message describing the problem, and suggesting a resolution. Works with most online credit card processors including Verisign, AuthorizeNet, Linkpoint, Protx and others.
Automatic Recurring Billing |
MemberGate makes it easy for you to offer automatic recurring billing membership plans. Set any time period (monthly, quarterly, etc), and set the recurring charge amount,, and MemberGate handles everything else. It processes the initial customer subscription, and then automatically processes the credit card when the automatic recurring billing date arrives.
Unlimited Member Plans |
With MemberGate you can offer an unlimited number of member plans. This can include fixed term, recurring billing, trial plans that automatically roll into paying plans, plans with joining fees, following by recurring billing, or combinations of all the above. Plans are easy to set up, and automatically administered by MemberGate.
Integrated Shopping Cart |
With the built in shopping cart you can offer physically delivered products, digital products, and downloadable products to your customers. Easy to set up, easy to use, yet extremely powerful with all the shopping cart features you've been looking for. Fully automatic, and easily customizable.
Affiliate Commission Program |
Reward others sites that send subscribers and product buyers your way. With Membergate's integrated affiliate program, you can set different affiliate commission rates for each subscription plan and product you offer. Easy for affiliates to sign up, fully automatic affiliate tracking and commission reporting, all the features you'd expect in a powerful affiliate program.
Professional Graphic and Logo Design |
Membergate's graphics team will create a professional look for your site. From graphic buttons to a new logo for your site, it is all included for no additional charge. This value added benefit is one you won't find offered with most other solutions.
Banner Ads |
With MemberGate, it's easy to place banner ads anywhere you want on the site. This includes on the nav panels, main pages, department pages, content pages, even in the discussion groups and forums. Banners can be any size, and MemberGate automatically uploads them from your computer during creation. Stack the banners as deep as you like. Change banner placement and image at any time.
Surveys/Opinion Polls |
Instantly create a survey or opinion poll and place it anywhere within your site (main pages, department pages, content pages, etc.) MemberGate automatically tracks survey results, allowing just one vote per visitor per survey. Have as many surveys as you like, with up to ten response options per survey. You have complete control of survey colors, type styles, size, borders, etc.
Calendars |
Create as many calendar of events for your site as you need. Quickly add as many events to each calendar, whenever you wish. Calendars show events by day, month, and coming year. Events include dates, descriptions, links to other pages or sign up forms. You have complete control of calendar colors, type styles, size, borders, etc.
Discussion Groups |
With MemberGate creating a discussion group, forum, support area, classified ad section, is a single click operation. You have complete control of forum colors, type styles, size, borders, etc. Create as many as you need, each with its own moderator, design, and rules. Discussion groups build a sense of community, and are usually the most visited area of a members only site.
Master Control Panel |
Control every element of your site from MemberGate Master Control Panel. Each option is fully documented with pop-up help offering advice and tips. Almost all choices are 'one click' or 'select from the list', making it easy for you to have MemberGate create the kind of site you want. Control panel access has four levels of roles based security, making sure only those that you authorize are able to add content to your site.
Page Syndication |
MemberGate's built in page syndication option makes it extremely easy to broadcast page headlines and teaser copy from your site to the thousands of news, wire, and PR sites throughout the net. This is a free service, and it is one click operation within MemberGate. Simply choose 'yes' to RSS Page syndication when creating or editing a page, and the page headlines are added to the RSS package.
Page Syndication |
MemberGate's built in RSS Feed Aggregator makes it easy for you to pull headlines and article links for thousands of news sites world wide. Choose a package of as many feeds as you want to include, the number of headlines to display from each feed, and MemberGate does the rest. Place the collected feeds on any page within your MemberGate powered site. Automatically updated several times a day.
Flexible Site Design |
Using the Master Site Template Settings, it is easy to configure MemberGate to duplicate the design of almost any site found on the internet. You have complete control over the page layout, including navigation panels, type styles, colors, graphics, links, hover colors and much more. No html is required, but you can always include html elements, Java, cgi and other called routines as part of your page design. After you set the page layout rules, all pages are on your site are formatted using your design. You can edit the design as often as you like, and changes immediately cascade through all pages on your site.
Site Wide Search |
MemberGate includes a fully automatic site wide search engine that makes it easy for visitors to search for keywords and phrases appearing in any of your active content pages. Search returns all matches, even those in the member area. But when clicked, non-members have to join to see the full pages. Separate Search engine to search discussion group posts is only available to members - thus protecting the privacy of the discussion groups.
Comprehensive Reporting |
MemberGate includes over 50 customizable reports to show you everything from daily income, page stats, suspicious activity, site referrers, problem pages, search phrases, new members, renewing members, credit card transactions (selectable by any date range), a daily status report (automatically emailed to site manager each day), and many others.
Automatic Page Publishing |
MemberGate fully automates the creation and publishing of web pages - select either 'add' or 'edit' content, type in your text and click 'create'. Using the master rules you specified in site setup, MemberGate creates and formats the page for you, and provides you a preview of the results. To publish, simply click the 'activate' button. If you want to include graphics in your pages, MemberGate automatically uploads and places images where you want them. Page creation authority is based on roles, allowing you to control the approval process for new pages. Pages can also be set to 'hold until' a specific release date, and 'purged' upon a future date. Pages can be created in a public or member area, within any department on the site. Pages can also be created in offline text editors (i.e. MS Word) or html editors and pasted directly into MemberGate.
Automatic Page Archiving |
As your site grows, MemberGate automatically places the older pages into the searchable archives of your site. This way, as the older pages fall off the portal and department page index screens, they can still be quickly found by either clicking the 'view more headlines' button on all portal pages, or doing a keyword search on the archives.
Roles Based Security |
MemberGate uses a 'roles' based security system that allows you to define the role or authority of those that visit or contribute to your site. This means you can have members, content providers, department managers, assistant site managers, site managers, and more - each with clear restrictions on what they can and can't do on your site. The roles based system is designed so that when members sign in, they can only see and access the material and options that are within their scope of authority.
Members and Public Areas |
With MemberGate, you can have an unlimited number of 'departments' and each of the departments can be in either the public or members only area of your site. Within each department, you can place an unlimited number of content pages - and access to the content pages is controlled by the department settings (members only or public viewing). You can instantly change any department and all its content from members only to public status (and visa a versa).
Referrers Report |
The referrers report shows you instantly where visitors to your site are coming from. This makes it easy to see who's linking to your site, and how many visitors to those other sites have clicked those links to come to your site. The referrers report is available by day, month, or year, and includes a link to the referring page, and the number of times it was used to bring traffic to your site.
Suspicious Activity Report |
With any members only site, you have to wonder what happens if a subscriber decides to share his private username and password with the world. What if he posts this information in a news group and you have 10,000 non-members who use this valid username/password to get in? With MemberGate, that won't be a problem, because the moment that two people try to log in using the same username/password, the account is instantly locked, and you are alerted via email of suspicious activity. This information also appears in the daily suspicious activity report, and is also recorded in the members history file. This instant detection and prevention of password sharing can save you thousands in lost revenue and abused bandwidth.
Search Phrase Report |
The Search Phrase report quickly reveals what words or phrases visitors to your site are searching for after they come to your site. This valuable information shows you what visitors are looking for, and what words or phrases they use to search. This information can help you decide what kind of content to place on your site, what words or phrases to use in your sites meta tags (for search engine placement), and what words or phrases are the 'hot buttons' of your visitors.
Daily Page Stats |
The Daily Page Stats reports quickly shows which are the most popular pages on your site, and how often each page has been visited today. Knowing this can help you determine which content is the most appealing to visitors (as well as which pages have little or no appeal). This allows you to concentrate you page creation efforts on the kinds of pages your visitors want to see.