Adding a Pull Quote to your articles


Use the Pull quote to make important text really stand out. It's easy to do in MemberGate

One of the latest enhancements in MemberGate is the ability to quickly add Pullquotes to articles within your site.

<cf_mgquote text="Use the Pull quote to make important text really stand out. It's easy to do in MemberGate" byline="-- Webmaster" align="right" back="white">

Pullquotes are a design element which helps the reader focus on a specific point or quote in the article you are writing.

To create a pull quote in MemberGate, you simply place the following code where-ever in the article you wish the pull quote to appear.

start quoteUse the Pull quote to make important text really stand out. It's easy to do in MemberGateend quote

-- Webmaster

The variables you can include in the pullquote command are:

  • text = "quote text goes here" - this variable is required.
  • byline = "quote author" - optional
  • align="left" - aligns the quote to the left or right of the page.
  • back="#e3e3e3" - background color of the pull quote box. Use any valid color.

You can modify the font style settings above to change the color and size of the pullquote text and box.

You can have as many pull quotes as you like on a article or department page.