How to Set Up the Resource Directory


A resource directory can be set up on your MemberGate site to maintain listings of any information that you would like to make available on your site. The resource directory can be set so only members can review or so non-members can see it as well. 

The resource directory can be found on your site at


How to Set Up the Resource Directory


To set up the Resource Directory:

Click on each section to expand for more information.

1. Enable the Resoure Directory

To prevent spam bot abuse, the resource directory does need to be enabled first. 


1. The Resource Directory can be enabled under Master Settings Custom Settings

2. In the 'Enable Resource Directory' field choose 'Yes' to enable or 'No' to disable

Enable the Resource Directory
2. The Resource Directory can be found under > Tools > Resource Directory

The Resource Directory can be found under Tools Resource Directory

3. Edit the Resource Directory Settings: From the Resource Directory Menu choose 'Edit Resource Directory Settings'

Edit the Resource Directory Settings

The Resource Directory Settings can be found under Tools Resource Directory Settings

How to Set Up the Resource Directory


Click on each tab to see which fields update the section of the directory:

Edit Screen for Main Resource Directory Page




Main Resource Directory Page




Listings of Resources Edit Screen




Listings of Resources Page




New Resource Post Page Edit Screen




Post New Listing Page




Results Page Edit Screen




Results After Submitting New Post Page





Set Up Categories for the Resource Directory




Click each section to expand for more information

1. Managing Resource Directory Categories can be found under > Tools > Resource Directory > Manage Categories

Managing Resource Directory Categories can be found under Tools Resource Directory Manage Categories

2. Choose to add a new category, delete an existing one or to edit an existing one

Choose to add a new category, delete an existing one or to edit an existing one


3. Enter the category name, select the main category (if it is a subcategory) and enter a description. Press the 'Add Category' button to add.

Enter the category name, select the main category (if it is a subcategory) and enter a description. Press the 'Add Category' button to add.