When a new member submits a subscription form, their name and email address can automatically be sent and added to a specific email list at AWeber. This will trigger any automated email messages that are set up in that AWeber list.
If you have been using MemberGate and AWeber for awhile, you may have your member plans connected in an older way using an email parser. What that means is that when a new member subscribes, the name and email address of the new member is sent to your AWeber list via an email message. With an increase in spam messages and different junk filters, that email may not make it's way to your AWeber list. Aweber has also changed the way they have accepted these email messages.
Better AWeber Integration
We here at MemberGate definitely want your new member's information to get added to your list without worry. In response to the new AWeber rules and spam issues, we have integrated the AWeber API into MemberGate. So now there is no worry about email issues, and your new members will be automatically added to your lists.
Connect to the AWeber API
If you have not connected to your AWeber account yet through the API, we highly suggest that you definitely switch. The old email parser method is obsolete and not reliable.
You only have to connect to the API one time, and then when adding or editing your member plans, you can simply choose the AWeber list to connect from a drop down menu.
Connect to the AWeber API under 'API Settings' in your control panel. Then click on the 'Authorize AWeber App' button at the bottom.
Login to your AWeber account.
A connection string will be provided which can then be pasted into the 'AWeber Connection String' box in MemberGate.
Finally press the 'Save AWeber Connection Settings' button
Connect AWeber to Member Plans, Shopping Cart Purchases, Affiliate Members
A separate AWeber list can be set up for unique member plans (allowing you to send separate email messages to your Gold or Platinum Members), purchasers of shopping cart products and even affiliate members. The AWeber API connects to your AWeber account once, and then you just choose for which AWeber list to send the email addresses.