A QR code (short for 'Quick Response' code) is a type of two-dimensional barcode that can be read using smartphones and dedicated QR reading devices, which link directly to text, emails, websites, phone numbers, and more. You may have seen one in a magazine advert, on a billboard, a web page, or even on someone's t-shirt.
When a QR reader device scans such a pattern, it can translate it into something meaningful, like a website URL. This allows your users to quickly redirect to any url that you would like using the graphic instead of typing out the url.
Since the proliferation of smartphones, QR codes have become very popular as a quick way to provide more information about a product or service, or to provide a quick link to a website or application.
Scan our QR Code
Using your mobile device's camera or qr scanner, scan the following code to experience the process.
How to Add a QR Code
Copy the code below and paste onto your pages to add a QR code. Then customize as necessary.
<cf_mgqr url="https://www.membergate.com/" size="150" color="000000" bgcolor="ffffff">
QR Code Attributes/Rules
All attributes should be surrounded by quotation marks.
Enter the URL the user will visit upon scanning the qr code.
The size is in pixels and can range from 10 - 1000. If no size is indicated, the qr code will default to 200px.
The color can be a 6 character hexadecimal color code. If no color is indicated, the color will default to 000000 (black). Do not include the # of the hex code.
The color can be a 6 character hexadecimal color code. If no color is indicated, the color will default to ffffff (white). Do not include the # of the hex code.