UPDATE: New Control Panel is Rolling Out!

Out With The Old
UPDATE: New Control Panel is Rolling Out!
In With The New
UPDATE: New Control Panel is Rolling Out!


MemberGate sites are being updated with the much improved Control Panel

To get yours, all you have to do is:

  1.  Open a support ticket by emailing [email protected] 


Owners are telling us they are delighted with the updates we have made to the layout, styling, and modernizing of the MemberGate Control Panel and how fresh, clean, and time-saving it is!

From This:

UPDATE: New Control Panel is Rolling Out!

To This:

UPDATE: New Control Panel is Rolling Out!

Your site will shortly be updated with the much improved Control Panel

To make sure we don't miss you out (!) 

Open a support ticket by emailing [email protected]

When you have done that, come back here to catch up :-)


In case you missed earlier messages - further information below:


Owners, Management, Admin Teams, Virtual Assistants, and other colleagues are invited to watch this quick presentation of the NEW Control Panel... to get a feel for the new layout

Once you have seen the video, please follow the steps to be added to the update queue

UPDATE: New Control Panel is Rolling Out!

Quick Presentation of the MemberGate Control Panel

Updating the MemberGate Graphical User Interface - GUI - or as we all know it.. the Control Panel (!) is a major undertaking.

It's got to look cleaner, fresher, modernised - but it must also take into account the habits and work patterns of long-time users of the original layout

For that reason, we took our time...

And those who have already seen it in action agree, that Steve has done an excellent job

Before we update your site, we invite Admin, Management, Virtual Assistants, and Owners to watch this quick presentation... to get a feel for the new layout.

And see for themselves how fresh, clean, easy-to-use, and time-saving it is..!

Watch the following presentation to learn about the Control Panel
And at the end,  experience the MemberGate Video Forwarding Feature