Information from your member's details can be added to the pages of your site to help to personalize the experience for your members.
These details are added to your pages through session variables and are coded with cf tags. Click on each of the tabs below for more information about the session variables that can be pulled in as well as directions to add it to your pages.
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Member Plan Number
- Member Plan Level
- Member Plan Description
- Custom Field
- Variables in Action
Variable Name: First Name
Session Variable: #request.session.firstname#
Coding to Add to Your Page
Welcome Back, <cfoutput>#request.session.firstname#</cfoutput>!
Welcome Back, Carrie!
Variable Name: Last Name
Session Variable: #request.session.lastname#
Coding to Add to Your Page
Welcome Back, Mr. <cfoutput>#request.session.lastname#</cfoutput>!
Welcome Back, Mr. Smith!
Variable Name: Email Address
Session Variable: #request.session.email#
Coding to Add to Your Page
To renew, please enter the current email address on file: <cfoutput>#request.session.email#</cfoutput>!
To renew, please enter the current email address on file: [email protected]
Variable Name: Member Plan Number
Usage: This will display the number of the member plan.
Session Variable: #request.session.userplan#
Coding to Add to Your Page
Your current user plan number is plan #<cfoutput>#request.session.userplan#</cfoutput>
Your current user plan number is plan #5
Variable Name: Member Plan Level
Usage: This variable will display the text found in 'edit member plans' > 'plan level'. Plan level is an optional field that can be used for member tiers. Some level examples might be Silver, Gold, Platinum or Rookie, Veteran etc.
Session Variable: #request.session.plan_level#
Coding to Add to Your Page
You are a #<cfoutput>#request.session.plan_level#</cfoutput> Member
You are a Gold Member.
Variable Name: Member Plan Description
Usage: This variable will display the text found in 'edit member plans' > 'member plan description'
Session Variable: #request.session.plan_description#
Coding to Add to Your Page
Your current member plan is #<cfoutput>#request.session.plan_description#</cfoutput>
Your current member plan is $19 per month.
If you have any Custom Member Fields set up on your site, you can also access those using the Session Variables.
If you view the Custom Member Fields menu on your site (in the Control Panel under 'Members' choose 'Custom Member Fields'), one of the fields in the table is the Field Name - this will begin with "mgcf"
The value of this variable can be included on your pages.
As an example, if the field name of your Custom Field was mgcf_site_url, you could use that variable as #session.mgcf_site_url#
Variable Name: Custom Fields
Session Variable: #request.session.mgcfCUSTOMFIELDNAME#
Coding to Add to Your Page
Your website name is <cfoutput>#request.session.mgcf_site_url#</cfoutput>
Your website name is membergate.com
If you are logged into MemberGate, all of the session variables for your member details on file are shown below: