Categories are place holders for Departments and only appear on the Nav panels
Categories provide a frame for depts to show on the nav panels - or to run a script or ad on the nav panels
Departments hold content - articles etc
Departments appear as links on the nav panels and on the top and bottom link bars
Departments have a "page" - to introduce the articles in that dept.
Departments can be used to redirect a link - eg the shopping cart index. The link is redirected from the Nav panel to the cart 'home page'
Clumps use Departments to pull in 'article feeds'
The Headline and Teaser Text of the article shows in the clump
Articles will only come from depts set to appear in the clump - and as many or as few are as set in the clump (eg 3 articles)
The newest article will sit on top of older articles - pushing them down and out of the clump
Content pages are arranged by the Active Date - newest appears at the top
If 2 articles are released on the same day - then Article Rank can be set - 1 being highest and 99 being lowest
Depts are listed alphabetically and will appear in the Category in alpha-numerical order as standard
They can be arrranged by Rank -01 being highest and 99 being lowest
It's best to use 5-10 numbers apart when ranking depts - as this will allow you to insert anther Dept in the future without having to rearrange them all!