Refunds for products purchased through the shopping cart can be processed directly through the MemberGate control panel.
Refunds and partial refunds can be run for dollar amounts paid for the item, shipping charges and/or taxes. Refunds are reflected at your payment gateway account, and are documented in shopping cart, order and customer reports.
*NOTE: Refunds can only be run if the card on file has not expired and the active payment gateway is the same gateway that was connected at the time of purchase.
Refund a Shopping Cart Order

Find Orders
A refund can be processed on the customer's receipt page. Under Commerce Shopping Cart Find Orders
Choose the Order to Refund
Use any of the search boxes to find the order. Click on the order number from the results.
Click Refunds
Click the button found at the bottom of the receipt.
Refund Amount
Enter the amount of money that should be refunded into the box.
Add Comment
Enter any comments necessary to describe the reason for the refund.
Process Refund
Click the button.

View of the Customer's Total Shopping Cart Purchase Ledger
The refunds are reported in the customer's history of purchase totals.