Display New Forum Post Headlines from the Forum


New forum post headlines can be displayed on a navigational column by addding a cf tag to a category. 


Steps to Take to Display Most Recent Forum Posts

Follow the steps below to display the most recent forum posts in your navigational bar.


The forum posts can be added to a navigational panel by choosing Content Categories Add Category

Script for this Category

Under the 'Category Script' section, paste the following cf tag in the Script for this Category box.

<cf_mgrecentposts forum="cfmbb">

Select the Nav

Under the Category settings choose to display the forum posts on the right and/or the left navigation panels.

Display the Most Recent Posts from a Specific Forum

The most recent posts from any one specific forum can be displayed by placing the Forum ID in the code:


Example Forum URL:



The Forum ID is "forumid=133A400E-14-1DE9-EDC1A9E2545DA"


The code to pull headlines from one single forum, would be as follows:

<cf_mgrecentposts forum=cfmbb forumid="133A400E-14-1DE9-EDC1A9E2545DA">

Display the Most Recent Posts from a Specific Conference

The most recent posts from any one specific conference can be displayed by placing the Conference ID in the code:


Example Conference URL:



The Conference ID is "id=1338A162-1422-1DE9-ED9FEC7378662479"


The code to pull headlines from one single conference, would be as follows:

<cf_mgrecentposts forum=cfmbb conferenceid="1338A162-1422-1DE9-ED9FEC7378662479">

Adjust the number of posts that show

Add the attribute posts="10" where "10" can be the number of posts to show.

<cf_mgrecentposts forum="cfmbb" posts="10">