Create a Product Clump in the Shopping Cart


There is not a way to clump your products inside the shopping cart. However, there is a work around.

Product Clump

Using a regular department and content pages along with the alternative link feature, a product clump can be created.

Create a Product Clump in the Shopping Cart

Add a New Department

A new department can be added under Content Departments Add Department

Add Content Pages

New content pages can be added under Content Pages Add Page

Assign the content page to the 'Product Department' created in the step above.

Set creative headlines and teaser copy for the products (this will be the only information the viewer will see from the content page).

Alternate Link

Enter the URL of the product page that has been setup in the shopping cart.

Users will see the headline and teaser copy and when clicked, instead of going to the article page they will be redirected to the shopping cart product page.

Set up the Clump

Create a new clump that pulls content from the 'Product Department'. See this tutorial on setting up a clump for instructions.