A 301 redirect is the recommended method to have Google find out what the new location of a moved page is.
If your old site had a page for example at: xyz.com/oldpage.html ...
and your new MemberGate page for that is at: xyz.com/public/100.cfm ...
then it will help Google to find the content at its new location with a "301 redirect"
MemberGate sites run on Windows servers using IIS (Internet Information Server). While sites running on Apache servers have the option of making changes to a file called .htaccess, that is not an option for Windows / IIS machines.
True 301 redirects need to be handled directly on the server itself in the IIS module. That is not an area that hosting customers would have access to, for security reasons.
If you wish to have 301 redirects set up, it can be done on a freelance basis for an hourly charge.
Here is how to go about it:
1) upload your old pages from the old site into the MemberGate site via FTP. Take care to make sure that the page names don't already exist on your MemberGate site or else you risk overwriting them.
2) Start creating new content pages in MemberGate with the content from the old pages. You will want to keep track of what the new url is for the old page as it is added. We recommend creating a spreadsheet to keep track. Something like:
xyz.com/oldpage1.html xyz.com/public/100.cfm
xyz.com/oldpage2.html xyz.com/public/101.cfm
After you have compiled the list, submit a support ticket via our support site here.
We will take a look at how many pages are involved and give you an estimate as to the cost of creating the redirects.
We will then manually go into the server's IIS settings and configure the old URL so that it now has a 301 redirect to the new MemberGate.