How do I show a Members Price on my product pages?


The Members Price price can be displayed or hidden on the product item page.

The 'members price' text can be customized for your site, and each product can have it's own members pricing.

The members price will show on the product description page.

Member's Pricing

Customize the Text

This only has to be completed one time.

The term for members prices can be managed under Commerce Shopping Cart Settings

Members Only Price Phrase

Under the Cart Configuration section, enter the text that should be shown next to the members price for all product pages.

Member's Pricing

Set a Product to Include a Members Only Price

A members only price can be added per product. Under Commerce Shopping Cart Add/Edit Products

Member's Price

Under the 'Item Pricing' section enter the cost of the product for all member's who purchase the product.

Item Price

Under the 'Item Pricing section enter the cost of the product for non-members. This cost has to be different than the members price to show. If it is the same as the members price, only one cost will show.