How to Add a Section to a Learning Management Area

A section is a grouping of lessons within a like-topic.

Please review the step by step graphical instructions below to create your program's sections.

Editing an LMS Section can be found under Content LMS Sections

Click on each section to expand for more information.




Section Name

Add a name for the section

The section name will appear in the header of the container that holds the lessons within the section.


Choose a status option from the drop down menu

A status of 'active' means the section will be published and live. A status of 'inactive' means the section will not be seen or published on the live site.

Section Content

Section Content

The information to set up a section of lessons will be added here.

section Content

Section Description

The section description is not in use. It is not necessary to add anything to this field (yet!)

Add Lessons to Section

Filter Lessons

Under the 'Available Lessons' section, add a tag or text to filter the lessons to select for this section.

Add Lessons to the Section

Existing lessons are listed in the 'Available Lessons' section. Click on the name of the lesson to add it to the section and drag and drop it into the 'Selected Lessons' box.

Organize Lessons

Lessons in the 'Selected Lessons' box can be arranged by clicking on the name of the lesson and dragging and dropping it where it should appear in the selected lessons listing.

Removing Lessons from the Section

Current lessons can be removed from the section. Click on the name of the lesson to remove from the 'Selected Lessons' box and drag and drop it into the 'Available Lessons' box.

LMS Tagging

LMS Tagging: Enter Tags for this Section

Adding tags to each section can be important when setting up lessons, sections, courses, and degrees. It helps you to set up a filter so the content can be found easily when setting up other areas of the LMS

In the LMS Tagging field, enter the tags associated with this Section. If the tag has already been created, choose it from the listing which will appear once you begin typing in the box.

Save the Section: Click on the 'Add Section' or 'Edit Section' Button

Save the Section: Click on the or Button When Done Working