Membergate Sites are Responsive which makes them Mobile And Google Friendly - check here!

Membergate Sites are Responsive which makes them Mobile And Google Friendly - check here!

Use this tool to check your site is passes the Google "Mobile Friendly" test

Google announced that from April 21st 2015 they will only show results in mobile searches for mobile-friendly sites:

"Make sure your site's ready for mobile-friendly Google search results"

"Google Search will be expanding its use of mobile-friendliness as a ranking signal.

This change will affect mobile searches in all languages worldwide and will have a significant impact in Google Search results"

This means, if your site is not 'Mobile Friendly' it won't show up in searches

Another term you may have come across is "Responsive" - it means exactly the same thing.

The web-site has to flex to the screen size of the device the viewer is using, including desktop, tablet, pad or phone

You can test your site quickly using Google's MemberGate Mobile Friendly Test Tool

Membergate Infinity follows the protocols required to make sites responsive and mobile-friendly.

It recognises the screen size of the viewer and so shrinks the page as required

All you have to do is upload new header images which will show according to the screensize

And review any content which has tables, large images and design elements so they "stretch to fit"

You can take a look at the new design element in the Membergate Demo - Edit Master Template

New Header Image Sizes

Header graphic sizes