General issues that occur when a form will not send usually involve the form not having the correct FROM field or spacing in the NAME attribute.
The form MUST include a FROM field which is an email address that is sending the data in the form.
You can either include that field directly in the form or as a hidden field, if you do not want to collect the users email.
Include the FROM field in either of the following ways:
1. This will be a hidden field so the user will not see it and you could then include a field to get the user name
<input type="hidden" name="<b>from</b>" value="[email protected]">
2. This is used in the example form below, where the form includes an input field where the user enters their email.
<tr><td><br /><font face="Arial" size="-1" color="#000000"> <b>Your Email: </b> </font><br /></td> <td><br /><input TYPE="text" NAME="<b>from</b>" size="40"><br /></td></tr>
Form field names can not start with a number and should NOT have spaces or brackets etc.
Wrong code
name="submitted by"
Correct code
name="submitted_by" or name="submittedBy"
You MUST also include a "Thank You" page where the form is posting to.
See this tutorial with examples in more depth: