Open Graph Integration for Facebook & LinkedIn Sharing


Posting, Commenting or Adding Pages to FaceBook, LinkedIn?

Now, MemberGate pages automatically map to the Open Graph protocol to meeet the required standards for sharing URLs on social media sites like Facebook.

The Open Graph elements are automatically mapped using the default fields in the MemberGate page - eg  'add/edit content'.

Remember, you simply paste the URL of the page into your post, message, page etc

If the page is set to Keyword Rich URL - then you must use that url (not the page number!)

OG = Open Graph

  • OG: Title -
    The default is the Headline for the page. 
  • OG: Type -
    A content page will be marked as an 'Article'
  • OG: URL -
    Will be set as the URL of the content page
  • article:expiration_time -
    The purge date of the content page
  • article:published_time -
    The active date of the content page
  • og:image -
    The URLs of any images showing on the page, along with the width and height settings of the images