The referral program bonus time system allows you to reward members for referring other members without having to use the affiliate program
The referral settings can be set up per member plan and is added/edited in the member plan area.
Member Referral Program
Edit Member Plans
The Member Plans page can be found under Members Edit Member Plans
Select the plan from the drop down menu or choose 'New - Add a New Plan' to create a brand new member plan.
Bonus Days
Under the 'Member Plan Settings' section, enter a number of days earned in the Bonus Days to Apply to Subscriber and Bonus Days to Apply to Member Referrer fields.
The number of days earned will be added to the next renewal date of the subscriber and/or existing member.
Save the Changes
When all of the changes have been made, click on the button found at the bottom of the page.
Add Referrer Field to the Subscription Form
The Subscription Forms can be found under Tools Subscription Forms
Member Referrer
Under the 'Form Fields' section uncheck the box to Hide the Member Referrer.
The subscriber filling out the subscription form will add the username of the member who referred them.
Save the Changes
When all of the changes have been made, click on the button found at the bottom of the page.