When a members cancels, you can specify a custom cancellation page based on their member plan. They are redirected to that page after they cancel. This allows you the opportunity to try and "save the cancellation" with a better offer or perhaps direct them to a survey page to find out why they are cancelling.
BENEFIT: Retain more members who would have cancelled anyways or at least find out what improvements can be made to make your membership site even better by getting feedback.
How to Setup the Custom Cancellation Page
1. The first step is to create the cancellation page. Adding a Content Page can be found under Content Pages Add Page and create the page.
2. Copy the URL of the cancellation page.
3. The content page URL can be added the right control panel sidebar under Master Settings Edit Site Descriptions
4. Under the 'Cancellation Settings' section, paste the full URL of the content page created in the 'Custom Cancellation Page URL' box. The full url will include the http:// portion of the url.