Before the popularity of iOS devices like ipads, iphones, ipods etc. the 'go-to' video file and player was Flash based. If your site has been online for longer than 10 years, it might still be possible that you have video files or players that are Flash.
Flash File Types

Flash was created by Adobe. Flash files use the extension flv or swf (Shockwave). They are not supported across all devices. For example, iOS (Apple) devices do not support these Flash file types.
A Safer and Faster Internet
Through modern technology updates, there have been better options developed to display video files and streaming from your pages. While Flash could slow down your page loads and kill device batteries, these newer innovations allow for a faster and immediate web experience.
Why It's Time to Change
Flash is going the way of VHS tapes. But at least you can still use a VCR to view those tapes.
Adobe is pulling the plug on Flash. They are going to discontinue offering updates and distributing the Flash Player in 2020.
Adobe have recommended to begin migrating your Flash files now as there will not be a method to view them in the future.
How Browsers Are Responding

Browsers have released their plans on how they will handle Flash coming to the end of its life. Some browers will not support Flash prior to 2020.
For example, Mozilla's Firefox browser announced that starting in Fall 2017 that users will choose which websites that they would like to run Flash. In 2019, they are planning on disabling the use of Flash for all users except for those running the Firefox Extended Support Release. After 2020, however, when Adobe finally pulls the plug, no version of Firefox will allow the use of Flash
Google's Chrome browser has been asking their users if they would like to run Flash since late 2016. Eventually, they are planning on disabling Flash by default and will no longer run it at all come 2020. They are trying to achieve a faster and safer web experience.
Steps to Take and How MemberGate Software Can Help

Since the increase in popularity of iOS devices, it is quite possible that you have already updated your files and players. For those that haven't done so already, it's time to update your site so your users have a safer and faster experience using your site.
It is necessary to update any Flash video files or video players so they are available on all devices. This means making sure that all of your video files are mp4 files and that your players are not swf or flv players.
- Convert any flv or swf files to mp4
- If using third party video player scripts, check with your provider to see if they offer an HTML5 player. Replace the Flash code with the HTML5 code.
- MemberGate includes an HTML5 player built into the software. The HTML5 Video Player allows uploading a file directly to the player, streams a file from Amazon S3 or can connect to a file stored at another cloud storage service.
How to Find Flash Files
There is a Super Search function available in the control panel of your MemberGate site. This search can be used to find files that are Flash. The keywords 'swf' and 'flv' can be input into the search text box, and any pages that include those file types will result.