This is one way to get an excel spreadsheet onto your site. It may look like a lot of steps, but only takes 5 minutes to put up.
1. Convert the table to html and javascript using Spreadsheet Converter
2. Copy the large javascript that Spreadsheet Converter creates and paste it into the 'Nocopy' program (the 'Nocopy' program is available from Bill Myers for subscribers at
Nocopy encrypts the spreadsheet and sets it so it will only run on the web site that you specify.
3. Save the copy that 'Nocopy' creates and save it as a .js file
4. Cut the copied javascript from step 1 and replace it with a script call to the .js file created in step 3
5. Upload the .js file to your site using MemberGate's upload feature from the control panel. The image folder is a good place to store the script.
6. Be sure the .js call in the html calls the full url of the script
7. Add the html to the content page that you want the script to appear.
This process will result in:
1. An interactive excel script on the page that looks and runs just like html.
2. Because the script is called externally from the page, the size of the html on the page is small.
3. Because the script is encrypted using 'Nocopy', the script cannot be copied and/or modified to use elsewhere.
4. If visitors do paste the script on another page, the script will take them to the legitimate site where the script is called - thereby sending them to your site.