Customized Admin Access

MemberGate has always provided the ability to assign many different roles to admin members of your site. These roles have always been pre-determined so any site manager has access to the same parts of the control panel and all designers were restricted to the same functionality.

These pre-determined roles don't always fit the actual roles of your admin assistants. Sometimes your assistant site manager also manages the members or a content provider may create accordions or carousels. 

MemberGate is introducing the ability to customize all admin access levels so you can manually set the permissions for the admin roles for your website administration. This allows you to manage exactly what functionality you would like your specific admin members to access. 

Benefits of Customized Admin Access

There are quite a few benefits to being able to manage the permissions for the roles of your admin assistants.

There is increased security because site owners can set access permissions based on the role or responsibilities of each individual. This means sensitive information or critical functionalities will only be accessible by those who truly need it, reducing the chances of unauthorized access or misuse.

Customized admin access facilitates the implementation of Role-Based Access Control, where rights and privileges are assigned to users based on their roles in the organization. This helps in maintaining better control over who can access and manipulate data, as well as the system's functionality.

Custom roles creates efficient workflow. By ensuring that users only have access to the features and data they need for their work, you can help to streamline their tasks and prevent unnecessary distractions or complications. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency.

The ability to customize roles provides scalability.  As organizations grow, so does the complexity and number of user roles. A system with customized admin access can easily scale with the growth of an organization, ensuring smooth transitions and expansions.

There will be a reduced rate of errors and accountability for those errors. There's a decreased likelihood of accidental changes or errors that could potentially disrupt the system or platform. Since each user has specific, limited access, the risk of unintended alterations is significantly reduced. If an error should occur system actions can be accurately traced to individual users. This not only aids in maintaining security but also facilitates accountability, as it can be clearly established who performed a certain action in case of discrepancies or issues.

Finally, security is always a concern. With laws like GDPR and CCPA, businesses are required to carefully manage access to personal data. Customized admin access helps ensure compliance by limiting who can access such sensitive data, hence helping avoid potential legal and financial repercussions.