The Stripe Payment Gateway service is now directly connected to your member's credit card company. With Stripe's Smarter saved cards functionality, the Stripe system automatically receives updated card information without any action required by your customers.
What this means for you is that even if your member's credit card is due to expire, any recurring billing renewals will still be successfully processed since Stripe will have the updated card information.
There are some steps for you to take in your Stripe account so that the updated credit card information is also reflected in your member's account on your site.
Follow these steps to set up a webhook with Stripe so your member's credit card details will automatically be updated on your MemberGate site:
1. Login to your Stripe Account. From the left menu choose 'Developers'

2. Click on 'Webhooks' in the Expanded Menu under 'Developers'

3. Click the 'Add Endpoint' button from the Top Right to Create the New Webhook

4. Set the Endpoint URL, Version and Events to Send:

Endpoint URL:
Version: Your Current Version
Events to Send: Choose 'customer_source_updated' from the drop down menu
Click the button to add the webhook. You may be prompted to add your password to authenticate.