MemberGate includes a site timeout counter which automatically logs out a member after a specific time of inactivity. The automatic time out is an important security feature. It is related to the "Dual Login Protection" which MemberGate provides to prevent password sharing. The timeout ensures that members of the site are logged out after x minutes of inactivity. If the member were to log in at a later time from another location, the software doesn't interpret it as a login sharing issues.
When the auto logout message on the site is triggered, a nice lightbox pop-up will be shown to the member. The pop-up includes a countdown timer for the last two minutes and then logs the user out.
Adjust the Time for an Automatic Logout
Click on each section to expand for more information.
The timeout settings can be managed from the right sidebar Master Settings Custom Settings

Member Login Timeout
Under the 'Custom Settings' section, from the 'Member Login Timeout' drop down menus, choose the amount of time for an automatic logout due to inactivity for a member.
*** The maximum amount of time can be set at 1 hour and 59 minutes. We do not suggest a timeout shorter than 20 minutes as it may affect the user experience. The timer will not work for a timeout period shorter than 5 minutes.
Press the button at the bottom of the 'Custom Settings' page.
Run a Full Site Rebuild to push through the changes and reset the timer
Run a Full Site Rebuild
A Site Rebuild can be completed under Master Settings Site Rebuild
It likely will not run the full rebuild the first time. The 'Rerun Site Rebuild' link can be clicked to manually run the site rebuild until completed.
c. OR choose 'click here' to run the rebuild automatically until completed. An email will be sent to the webmaster when it has been completed.
d. Site Rebuild has Completed