A subscription form can be set so that an existing member can easily update the form so it is prefilled with their information from the database.
The member would just have to add their credit card details so they can easily renew.

To Set Up a Prefilled Subscription Form
Subscription Forms
The prefilled settings can be managed under Tools Subscription Forms
Choose an existing form from the drop down menu to edit and click 'Manage Subscription Form' or begin a new subscription form
Show Login Prefill
Under the Forms Section click on the 'Show Login Prefill' box to add a check and enable.
Save the Form
Click on the button to save the changes.

How it Works
When an existing member is not logged in and visits that particular page, there will be a 'Prefill Form' box above the subscription form. When an existing member adds their username and password to the box and clicks the 'Prefill Form' button, the form will populate the fields with the member's information.
A. The form will NEVER prefill details for an admin member
B. The username/password box will only show if the user is not logged in. If the member is logged in, it will prefill with the logged in member's details
C. The username/password boxes WILL NOT show if the form is set to only allow new subscriptions. (The box is to allow renewing members the ability to easily prefill their member details so it makes sense for it to not work for new members).
D. If an incorrect password is entered 5 times or more, the user will be locked out due to a browser lockout for security purposes. The user would not be able to enter any more details until the lockout has been released.