Google Tag Manager Built-in Tags

Google Tag Manager provides a variety of built-in tags for common tracking and marketing functionalities. Here are some examples:

  1. Google Analytics Universal Analytics Tag: This tag allows you to implement Google Analytics tracking on your website. It tracks pageviews, events, e-commerce transactions, and other interactions.

  2. Google Ads Conversion Tracking Tag: This tag enables you to track conversions from your Google Ads campaigns. It captures data such as form submissions, purchases, or other valuable actions on your website triggered by Google Ads clicks. 

  3. Facebook Pixel Tag: With this tag, you can integrate the Facebook Pixel into your website, allowing you to track various events such as pageviews, purchases, and custom interactions for Facebook advertising and analytics. 

  4. Google Floodlight Counter Tag: This tag is used for tracking conversions and other actions on your website for Google Marketing Platform (formerly DoubleClick) campaigns. It enables you to measure the effectiveness of your display advertising efforts. 

  5. Hotjar Tracking Code Tag: Hotjar is a tool for website behavior analytics and user feedback. This tag allows you to easily integrate the Hotjar tracking code into your website to collect data on user interactions and feedback. 

  6. LinkedIn Insight Tag: This tag allows you to track conversions, retarget website visitors, and unlock insights about your website audience for LinkedIn advertising campaigns. 

  7. Custom HTML Tag: While not a specific predefined tag, Google Tag Manager also allows users to create custom HTML tags. This feature enables users to implement any custom tracking or functionality by directly adding HTML, JavaScript, or other code snippets to their website.

These are just a few examples of the built-in tags available in Google Tag Manager. There are many others covering various tracking and marketing needs, and new ones are often added or updated by Google to accommodate changes in tracking technologies and platforms.