Page Ranking Stats Report


The page ranking stats report shows you a report of all the pages ranked by the number of page views they have had over the life of the site. This report will show which pages are of most interest to visitors of your site.

**Note - MemberGate's page stats reporting is probably not the best report to guage how busy your site is. The stats pages do count views, but they tally every single time the page is viewed. It does not discriminate if the same user views the page 1 or 100 times. Each view will get a tally.

A better guage for page views is a service like Google Analytics (which is a free service), as they will only tally the unique views. If one person views the page 100 times, it will only count as 1. Please see this tutorial for more information: Setting Up Google Analytics


Click on each tab for more information.

The Page Ranking Stats Report can be found under Reporting Content Page Ranking Stats

The report will show you the ranking, the headline, the department for the content page and the number of page views over the life of the site. Click on the headline link or the department link to visit those pages directly.

The report can be arranged via any of the columns. Click on the or buttons to arrange the report as needed.

Page Ranking Stats Report