Add a Member from the Control Panel


A member can be added from the control panel. It's really a straight forward process and is similar to processing any other type of form. 

The member plan to which the member will belong should be set up prior to adding the member. Please see the tutorial on Adding a New Member Plan if needed.

Add a New Member

Adding a member can be completed under Members Add New Member

As mentioned, most of the fields are obvious, but some may not be. Please see below for more information on those that may need more explanation.

Required fields contain a red *
A new user/member must have a unique username and email address. If the username or email address is already being used by another member, the system will not allow you to create a new member.
Password Rules - The password should contain a minimum of 8 characters, with at least 1 uppercase, 1 lowercase and one numeric character
Member Plan - Select the member plan to which the member will belong.
Affiliate Referrer - If an affiliate should be given credit/commission for referring this new member, enter the Affiliate ID into the 'Affiliate Referrer' field. More affiliate Info - Affiliate Program
Referrer Code - If the new member heard about your site from an ad or outside page that is being tracked by a referrer code, enter the 'ad tracking ID' into the 'Referrer Code' field.
Click the 'Add this Member' button
If this member is an admin (can access the control panel), follow the steps found here: Add an Admin User
The software will add the new member and adjust it's details accordingly. For example, a renewal date will be set which can be seen if you 'Edit the Member's Details'. If the member is on a recurring member plan, the renewal date is the date the member will be automatically billed. If the member is on a non-recurring plan, the renewal date is the date the member will become inactive if they have not manually renewed.