Publish Blog Headlines on the Portal Page


You can publish your recent blog headlines on your public portal by following these instructions.

There are a lot of steps but it is very straightforward.

1. Under Blogs choose 'Add/Edit Blog' 


Add Edit Blog


2. Select your blog and click "Edit or Add Blog"

3. Confirm that all the information is correct, especially the link in the "Blog URL" field

4. Click "Apply Changes To This Blog"

5. Your blog's RSS feed address will be displayed on the confirmation screen. It will be something like this:

6. Copy the RSS feed address


Publish Blog Headlines on the Portal Page


7. Go to Control Panel --> Under 'Legacy' choose 'Add/Edit RSS' 


Add Edit RSS


8. Select "Add New RSS Feed" and click "Add/Edit RSS Package"

9. Give the feed a name, set it to active, and paste the link you copied in step 6 into the "RSS Feed URL" field.

10. In the "Headline Style Tag Name" field, type the word: rsstitle

11. In the "Link Style Tag Name" field, type the word: rsslink

12. Click "Add This Feed"


Publish Blog Headlines on the Portal Page


13. On the confirmation screen, you will see a list of your recent blog headlines, along with a snippet of code that looks like this:


<cf_mgrss rssID=5>



Publish Blog Headlines on the Portal Page


Copy the snippet of code and paste it into your content page, public portal, category, or wherever you want the recent blog headlines to appear.


Publish Blog Headlines on the Portal Page


You will now see your recent blog headlines on the page where you added the code.


Publish Blog Headlines on the Portal Page