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Can the classified ads be setup to charge users to post an ad?
Can the classified ads be setup to charge users to post an ad?

No, MemberGate classified ads are setup so non-members and members can see the ads, but only members are able to post an ad. This offers incentives for non-members to join the site - if they want to... Read More

When should I use site rebuild?
When should I use site rebuild?

The correct answer is almost never. Please see the below knowledge base article for alternate ways to push changes through on your site: Why does an old image or main header image keep appearing when... Read More

How to Backup Your Site
How to Backup Your Site

A backup of your site's files can be performed through FTP. Connect to your site via FTP, download the wwwroot folder from the site, and you'll have everythingexcept for the SQL databases (see below... Read More

What is a permalink?
What is a permalink?

The permalink is a clickable field that is available for users to click to save a particular blog entry. The permalink is used to "save" the location of each specific blog entry. Any of your... Read More

Flat Rate Commissions for Affiliates
Flat Rate Commissions for Affiliates

Offer your affiliates a flat rate commission on their referred sales. As an alternative to the percentage commission that an affiliate can receive for a referred sale, you can now offer a flat rate dollar commission.... Read More

New Updates Coming Soon
New Updates Coming Soon

There are a lot of great changes coming soon to your MemberGate software. In the upcoming days we will begin applying the latest updates to MemberGate sites, so keep an eye out for an email from our support team that will include the latest functionality available on your site.... Read More

Where can I generate a CSR for my site's SSL certificate?
Where can I generate a CSR for my site's SSL certificate?

If you are installing your own SSL certificate on your site, you will need a server generated CSR (certificate signing request). A CSR can be generated through the Hostek control panel. 1. Login... Read More

Super Affiliates
Super Affiliates

Make some of your affiliates Super Affiliates so that they can earn a higher commission on affiliate member purchases.... Read More

What does setting an Affiliate to inactive do?
What does setting an Affiliate to inactive do?

Setting an Affiliate to inactive preserves the affiliates info but no longer assigns credit to them for sales. If you are unsure of the affiliate you would likely want to delete them.... Read More

How can I prevent a department from showing in my site map?
How can I prevent a department from showing in my site map?

If you don't want a department to show up in the site map, you should put the department into an inactive category. To place the department in an inactive category... Read More

How can I add meta, title, keyword tags and description for SEO?
How can I add meta, title, keyword tags and description for SEO?

For maximum SEO, we recommend reading through this knowledge base article: How can I take advantage of Membergate's SEO? For article title tags... Read More

How do I add banners and edit text links for my affiliate program?
How do I add banners and edit text links for my affiliate program?

You can edit existing banners and add new ones or edit the text your affiliates will see. Edit Banner 1. Under 'Commerce' choose 'Affiliate Program'... Read More

What is my sitemap address?
What is my sitemap address?

The xml site address on your site is: Related Tutorials... Read More

How can I take advantage of Membergate's SEO?
How can I take advantage of Membergate's SEO?

Most of the MemberGate sites which achieve very good search engine listings let the MemberGate software do the work for them. They don't have a lot of extra code... Read More

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