Strategies for Sustaining Your Membership Site

In the dynamic world of online membership sites, maintaining a vibrant, engaged community is paramount. However, one of the most significant challenges these platforms face is member churn.

It's a pivotal issue, as losing members not only impacts revenue but can also affect the overall community spirit and value of your site. To combat this, it's essential to deploy strategic measures aimed at enhancing member satisfaction, engagement, and perceived value.

Here's a comprehensive guide to reducing churn and fostering a thriving membership environment.

Enhancing the Onboarding Experience

The journey to member retention begins the moment a new user signs up. Personalizing the welcome process with emails or videos can make newcomers feel valued, while guided tours or tutorials can help them navigate your site with ease. A smooth onboarding experience sets the tone for their entire membership journey, emphasizing that they've made the right choice.

Use MemberGate's video player to stream the tour right from your content pages. Personalize the process by setting a separate welcome page for each member plan (and member type - new or renewing) to contour the message to the benefits the member will receive in their plan.

Every member plan can be set with it's own custom member portal page. This special member portal page can include the benefits and special links available to the member type. 

Improving Content Quality and Relevance

Content is the backbone of any membership site. Keeping it fresh, relevant, and engaging is crucial. Regular updates and tailoring content to meet the interests of your members can significantly boost retention. Leveraging data analytics to understand member preferences will help in curating content that resonates, ensuring they find new value with each visit.

Use a MemberGate forum as a 'suggestion box' for future article content. Use disqus or MemberGate's built in comment section to earn feedback on each article.

Keep content pages fresh without having to take time each day to publish one. Content can be added at one time and set to publish live on the site using a status of 'hold until' the date. The articles will go live the day you've set. 

Use MemberGate's Learning Management System to create courses for your members. Changing up delivery of content can be beneficial to cater to different learning preferences and keeping content fresh. 

Use MemberGate's Split Testing capability to provide you with some analytics on which pages convert more members or sell more product. 

Engaging Your Community

Fostering a sense of community is vital. Interactive features such as forums, webinars, and live chats not only enhance engagement but also build connections among members. Highlighting member stories or achievements can further promote a sense of belonging and recognition within the community.

MemberGate offers many social media type functions - both inside and outside. The community can engage through a forum, using member profiles, or sharing articles on their other social media platforms using Social Bookmarks.

Offering Exceptional Customer Support

Accessible and responsive customer support is critical. Members should find it easy to get help when needed, with multiple support channels available. Quick responses to inquiries or issues can make all the difference in member satisfaction and retention.

MemberGate has a built in helpdesk capability for your members to contact you directly.

Implementing Feedback Loops

Actively seeking and acting upon member feedback demonstrates that you value their input and are committed to continuous improvement. Surveys, polls, and direct communication channels can provide invaluable insights into member needs and areas for enhancement.

MemberGate's forums can be used for feedback and using disqus or adding a built in comments section can help to provide feedback from your members. 

MemberGate's Learning Management System includes options to include quizzes/tests and surveys for members to provide feedback on the course. 

Enhancing User Experience

A seamless user experience is non-negotiable. Ensure your site is easy to navigate, mobile-friendly, and quick to load. These factors significantly impact user satisfaction and can greatly reduce the likelihood of member churn.

Links to pages and departments are automatically setup in MemberGate and published on your pages and navigation bars. Content can be added to multiple departments and clumps so you can add it to different parts of your site for members to see.  Links can be added to top navs, footers, left sidebars and right sidebars. Changing the layout of published headlines can also improve navigation for members.

Adding courses using the Learning Management System can add value to membership benefits. Online learners feel a sense of achievement, personal empowerment and enhanced social connections when taking an online learning class. Adding a course or two to a member's plan can enhance the user's experience.

Incentivizing Loyalty

Rewarding loyalty through programs or exclusive offers can significantly enhance member retention. Providing tangible benefits for long-term membership encourages members to stay engaged and renew their subscriptions.

MemberGate includes the ability to offer bonus days for member referrals or commissions for affiliate referrals

Using Data Analytics

Data analytics play a crucial role in understanding how members interact with your site. Tracking engagement and identifying patterns can help in personalizing the user experience and addressing any issues proactively.

Connect your MemberGate site to Google Analytics or Google Tag Manager for analytical research.

Communicating Regularly

Regular communication through newsletters or updates keeps members informed and engaged. Transparency about changes or new features fosters trust and can strengthen member loyalty.

Connect your MemberGate site to marketing services so members can automatically be added to unique email lists upon registration. MemberGate integrates with AWeber, Brevo, Active Campaign and Mailchimp platforms. 

Separate email lists can be added to member plans, shopping cart products and affiliate members.

Adjusting Pricing Strategies

Flexible membership plans can accommodate different needs and budgets, making it easier for members to find a plan that suits them. Offering trial periods can also encourage potential members to explore your site's value without immediate commitment.

MemberGate offers a plethora of options for pricing. Subscriptions can be for individual members in non-recurring or recurring plans with a fully customizable time intervals at totally customizable prices. Trial periods can be offered for the plan and multiple promotion trial periods can be added to any recurring plan. 

Opposite to an individual plan is a business plan that can be used for many different groups of people when there is one person who pays for multiple memberships. All business plans can be set in the same ways as individual plans (recurring, non-recurring, trial periods).

Membership plans can also be added to an upsell funnel as a promotion bonus from a shopping cart product purchase or as an upsell to a different member plan.

Cultivating a Thriving Membership Community

In conclusion, reducing member erosion requires a multifaceted approach centered around delivering continuous value, fostering community, and ensuring a seamless user experience. By implementing these strategies, membership sites can not only retain their members but also create a thriving, engaged community that drives long-term success.