Tutorials continued

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Personalize the Location of the Related Articles Display
Personalize the Location of the "Related Articles" Display

Using related articles is a great way to provide your members with alternative articles that they should check out. The related articles are shown at the bottom of the article, but what if you wanted them to show somewhere else... Read More

Create Images on the (Fire)Fly using AI
Create Images on the (Fire)Fly using AI

Using AI for images can be a game changer for your MemberGate site and graphics generation. Follow the instructions to find out for yourself how text to image design could benefit your site.... Read More

Open and Track Support Tickets through Your MemberGate Control Panel
Open and Track Support Tickets through Your MemberGate Control Panel

MemberGate support use the Helpscout platform to manage support tickets from our clients. Typically when support is needed a client will email us at our Helpscout support email address.  To make... Read More

How to Add Multiple Promotional Terms for One Membership Plan
How to Add Multiple Promotional Terms for One Membership Plan

Follow these steps to learn how to create, manage and maintain multiple promotional rates for the introductory period of a member plan. Everything else is automated after the code is added to the member plan.... Read More

How to Create a Countdown Timer
How to Create a Countdown Timer

Use these instructions to add a countdown timer to your MemberGate pages. The countdown timer includes a call to action button and countdown... Read More

Bootstrap Snippet: Easy to Add Buttons
Bootstrap Snippet: Easy to Add Buttons

Adding pre-styled call to action buttons is easy with Bootstrap. These versatile buttons include hover effects and can be used in many action instances on your site.... Read More

How to Enable reCAPTCHA and Invisible reCAPTCHA on your Site
How to Enable reCAPTCHA and Invisible reCAPTCHA on your Site

Enable reCAPTCHA on your site to help protect forms against abuse from bots and spammers.... Read More

Connect Your MemberGate Site to the Brevo Platform
Connect Your MemberGate Site to the Brevo Platform

Automatically send the name and email address of new subscribers to your free Brevo list. Connect to Brevo through the API.... Read More

How to Setup an Automated Custom Redirect for Unauthorized Access
How to Setup an Automated Custom Redirect for Unauthorized Access

Learn how to set up a customized restrictive access or unauthorized page redirect. This can be set at the department or member plan level.... Read More

How to Set Customized Access Levels for Admin Members
How to Set Customized Access Levels for Admin Members

Each admin access level can be customized with individual permissions for all admin members. Learn how to give your admin members more (or less) control panel access.... Read More

How to Add a Google Map to a MemberGate Website
How to Add a Google Map to a MemberGate Website

Add a Google Map to your MemberGate site. Use the step by step instructions found in this tutorial to connect your API and then add a map to your pages.... Read More

How to Generate Access and Secret Keys for your Amazon S3 Account
How to Generate Access and Secret Keys for your Amazon S3 Account

Amazon S3 connects to MemberGate through access keys. These instructions take you through the one time steps to find the keys and then to connect them to MemberGate.... Read More

Lazy Loading Images
Lazy Loading Images

To save on loading time and resources a MemberGate web page uses lazy loading so images are not shown until the user is visiting the section of page that shows the images. Under certain circumstances, it may be necessary to disable lazy loading... Read More

Member Counts Report
Member Counts Report

The Member Counts Report is an interactive and visual representation of the number of member types over time... Read More

Create a Single Access Portal for Shopping Cart Purchases
Create a Single Access Portal for Shopping Cart Purchases

How to update the password and access information for a shopping cart customer so they can access multiple purchases using one code.... Read More

Reactivate LMS Sessions
Reactivate LMS Sessions

Under specific conditions you may receive a customer support request for an LMS user reporting that they have lost all of their progress in a course.  As an admin, it is possible to retrieve this... Read More

QR Code Tag Generator
QR Code Tag Generator

Use this CF tag to add a QR code to any page on your site. The size, color and page link are customizable... Read More

LMS Reporting for Site Admins
LMS Reporting for Site Admins

Extensive reporting for the learning management system is available to site administrators. Review the course progress and answers to in general and for individual members.... Read More

How to Add a Popup Using the Generator
How to Add a Popup Using the Generator

The Popup Generator allows you to create different types of popups for your pages.Part of the MemberGate Fundamentals Series.... Read More

Layout Options for MemberGate Clumps and Departments
Layout Options for MemberGate Clumps and Departments

There are now more options when setting the layout of the published content headline and teaser copy on your MemberGate clumps and department pages.... Read More

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