Tips & Tricks

Bootstrap Snippet: Alternating Image and TextBootstrap Snippet: Alternating Image and Text

Create an alternating image and text information for an interesting presentation of information. This is all created using bootstrap, so the styling is built in.... Read More

Turning Tech Into Treasure: How to Use Ai to Elevate Your Business ...and Enjoy the ProcessTurning Tech Into Treasure: How to Use Ai to Elevate Your Business ...and Enjoy the Process

Digital Marketers gained a significant advantage over traditional advertisers, and now another sea change is here and you can take advantage or be swept away... Read More

Strategies for Sustaining Your Membership SiteStrategies for Sustaining Your Membership Site

Discover how to your members and foster a vibrant community! This guide offers actionable strategies to reduce churn, enhance engagement, and ensure your membership site thrives.... Read More

Let's Talk Membership Subscription OptionsLet's Talk Membership Subscription Options

Membership or subscription fees can be set so they automatically renew or a user has to manually re-subscribe each term. Which way is better and why?... Read More

How ChatGPT will Modernize Content GenerationHow ChatGPT will Modernize Content Generation

As a language model, ChatGPT has the ability to generate high-quality content on a wide range of topics. One of the ways ChatGPT can... Read More

Tools to Run a Membership Website using MemberGate in 2023Tools to Run a Membership Website using MemberGate in 2023

The MemberGate platform is an all in one software that allows you to successfully run a membership website. Besides the software, check the other tools that can improve your site and workflow.... Read More

Bootstrap Snippet: Styling ImagesBootstrap Snippet: Styling Images

Square images can quickly become rounded, circular or thumbnail styled using bootstrap. Find the easy to use instructions to begin styling your images today.... Read More

What is Text Visualization? The Only Guide You May NeedWhat is Text Visualization? The Only Guide You May Need

Text visualization refers to visually representing textual data meaningfully and interpretably. It transforms textual information into visual representations. These may include charts, graphs, word cl... Read More

Set a Page so it is Truly InaccessibleSet a Page so it is Truly Inaccessible

The status of a content page includes the ability to hide a page so that no one can access it - even if they have the url.... Read More

Session Variables Available for Use in MembergateSession Variables Available for Use in Membergate

Hello Ryan! Customize your MemberGate pages with your members information. Use these variables to make your members feel special.... Read More

How to Entice users to Visit your Social Media AccountHow to Entice users to Visit your Social Media Account

Social media has become an integral part of modern society, with millions of users around the world engaging. Learn how to get them to visit you.... Read More

Using Bard for AI Generated ContentUsing Bard for AI Generated Content

What is Bard Bard is Google's answer to ChatGPT and using AI to provide content and feedback. Bard is still in development and is not completely available to everyone yet. At the end of each Bard entr... Read More

Creating SEO Rich Content for your Membergate Site using ChatGPTCreating SEO Rich Content for your Membergate Site using ChatGPT

write me an article about how to use chatgpt to write articles for my membership site... Read More

An Interview with ChatGPTAn Interview with ChatGPT

You've heard the terms AI and ChatGPT ALOT lately. But what it is? And how can you use it? Read more for an interview with the ChatGPT bot and learn how to use it to your benefit... Read More

Bootstrap Snippet: Pricing TableBootstrap Snippet: Pricing Table

Use this bootstrap code snippet to display a responsive three box pricing table to include pricing and links for three member plans.... Read More

Bootstrap Snippet: Mosaic TilesBootstrap Snippet: Mosaic Tiles

Use this bootstrap code snippet to display responsive testimonial quotes, image galleries, portfolios or other groups in a mosaic made of tiles.... Read More

Layout Options for MemberGate Clumps and DepartmentsLayout Options for MemberGate Clumps and Departments

There are now more options when setting the layout of the published content headline and teaser copy on your MemberGate clumps and department pages.... Read More

How to Upload Voice Memos from your iPhoneHow to Upload Voice Memos from your iPhone

To upload a Voice Memo from your iPhone to your Membergate Site: Once you have made your recording in the Voice Memos App, click on the Settings Icon  Scroll Down and Click on the Save to Files... Read More

Preparing Your Site for a ThemePreparing Your Site for a Theme

Ready to switch to a theme? Review this resource which provides some helpful hints on how to update your site so it looks sparkling once the theme is enabled.... Read More

12 Online Business Models - Powered by MemberGate12 Online Business Models - Powered by MemberGate

If you think MemberGate is only for memberships and subscriptions, think again! There are at least 12 different business models that already in use by MemberGate clients From simple stand-alone eCommerce sites using the Shopping Cart, to RaaS - Resource As A Service - where access to a comprehensive set of files like accounts or legal documents or designs are available to members! Check out the other business models... Read More

Determine the Better Sales Page With Split TestingDetermine the Better Sales Page With Split Testing

Maximize your sales efforts by experimenting with multiple sales pages to see which is most successful... Read More

Making the Renewal Process SeamlessMaking the Renewal Process Seamless

It's a fact of running a subscription website. There are going to be billing failures, or lapsed memberships. Make it easy for those members to renew by... Read More

Customizing the Logout PageCustomizing the Logout Page

Utilize your logout page. Enhance brand awareness or promote products, and thank your members. You can set the message... Read More

Find Great (and Free) Images to UseFind Great (and Free) Images to Use

Wondering where everyone gets fun images to go along with their content? There are great and free online resources to improve the look of your content... Read More

Pay Per View with Limited TimePay Per View with Limited Time

Shopping cart customers have the ability to purchase a view of a content page on your site. While normally the pay per view is available for an unlimited amount of time. Now you can put a time limit on the viewing period.... Read More

Using Flash? It's (Really) Time to ChangeUsing Flash? It's (Really) Time to Change

Flash is going away (and isn't supported across all devices). If you still have flash based videos or players, it's time for an update.... Read More

Facebook Ad ConversionsFacebook Ad Conversions

When using Facebook Ads, be certain to place conversion code on your site to measure how successful those ads are... Read More

Are you ready for the new Google Security update?Are you ready for the new Google Security update?

As reported earlier, the Google Chrome browser is explicitly marking pages that are not https pages, as 'Not Secure'. Not only will your customers think that your site is a risk, but it Google has also changed the way they rank pages that are not secure. Find out here what you need to know and how it affects your MemberGate site.... Read More

Font AwesomeFont Awesome

Icon fonts like Font Awesome can be used on your MemberGate pages. Learn how to add Font Awesome to your pages along with a couple of tips on updating the icon style.... Read More

Release Notes: SpringRelease Notes: Spring

MemberGate sites have had the latest updates applied. Some of these updates are required by regulations, some for security and others for improved software functionality. Check out the newest additions here.... Read More

2019 Release Notes2019 Release Notes

Your MemberGate site has been updated with all of the newest and modern functionality. Learn more about what is included like a new Learning Management System and updated Design Options.... Read More

More Release Notes:More Release Notes:

Check out the latest updates and newest functionality that can be used within your site.... Read More

Stripe Users: Why Setting up the Smarter Card Webhook is ImportantStripe Users: Why Setting up the Smarter Card Webhook is Important

Push automatic credit card changes at Stripe to your member's accounts on your site.... Read More

Release Notes: AprilRelease Notes: April

MemberGate Infinity subscribers have had their sites updated. See what's new.... Read More

Using the Integrated HelpdeskUsing the Integrated Helpdesk

Instead of using unorganized email for customer support, the Helpdesk ticket system can be added to your site.... Read More

How to Showcase Your Forum PostersHow to Showcase Your Forum Posters

Showcasing the top posters in your forum can lead to a busier and more productive forum... Read More

Recovering Billing FailuresRecovering Billing Failures

There is an automatic way to recover from recurring billing failures which will increase revenue and maintain members... Read More

Arranging Member Plans on a Subscription FormArranging Member Plans on a Subscription Form

In the past, member plans were arranged on your subscription form by default. That all has changed... Read More

Are You Using a Responsive Subscription Form?Are You Using a Responsive Subscription Form?

A better option to add a subscription form to your site. Use the generator to set up a more useful... Read More

Trial Prices and Existing Members ExplainedTrial Prices and Existing Members Explained

Know how to charge an existing member a trial fee all the time, never or just once.... Read More

Remove the 'Member Area' LinkRemove the 'Member Area' Link

If you'd like to hide the login page from the general user, it is possible to remove any links... Read More

Integrate with AWeber APIIntegrate with AWeber API

Once upon a time a connection to AWeber was completed with an email parser. Now there is a much more reliable way to add your new subscribers to your AWeber email marketing list.... Read More

How to Embed a Twitter TimelineHow to Embed a Twitter Timeline

Keep your visitors up to date with your latest Tweets! Embed your Twitter timeline directly onto your pages. This feed will update automatically... Read More

Buttons and BadgesButtons and Badges

Easily design graphical buttons or badges for your webpages. Use these online generator tools to create modern customized buttons.... Read More

Edit ItemEdit Item

The amount of time it takes to edit your site is important to us. The faster and easier that you can edit a page means more time to spend on important aspects... Read More

Update Your WYSIWYG EditorUpdate Your WYSIWYG Editor

If you are using the older WYSIWYG editor, it's time for an upgrade. You'll like this updated editor because... Read More

Arranging Content PagesArranging Content Pages

Did you know that you actually have more control over the order that content pages are arranged on a department page or in a clump? Using this new option allows you to... Read More

Clearing Space in Your Email BoxClearing Space in Your Email Box

If you are receiving a returned error message that your email box is full follow the steps found in here to make more room... Read More